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How to get a beautiful and delicous desert

The reason why the old lady can be so cattle, and they are about people, old lady itself before making a cake shop, do a decade of fashion, taste very good temperament, but also very picky, such as doing pink fondant ribbons (this wedding cake often use), pink must be miserable with a certain amount (no more, no less) of purple, as in the end is what kind of pink, Starbucks now happened in the United States began trying to push his transition cakes, his pastry bag is the kind of powder (which I later noticed, they should be trained on me quite successful). If you look carefully will find a pink flower on top of the picture is in fact reveals a little purple.

Their main designer Carolny, very remarkable woman, University majoring in art, she told me that her mother is the professional Biaohua division, since she was almost 4 years old and his mother learn cake decorating, Decorating, with 40 years experience, have been married after she gave birth to two children, almost as a housewife, the results of her little son in the age of 10, heart surgery could not hold on, give her a very big blow to her in order to overcome the pain, out of work , dry 10 hours a day almost always the last one to go, is a very strong, talented woman, she also returned to the children's book illustrator.

Their other designers, is to give the Lakers owner home little girl design cake (unfortunately very old lady on their design copyright note, not just photography, so I did the photo) was USC graduate building Jewish girl because the dream of opening his own cake points, giving up pay is much better, much more relaxed work, save the cake point work experience.


To make the Cake with your heart, you will get a beatiful and delicous desert, if you are a poker player, even you get a hand not good, but still do your best with some poker analyzer device, you still can won't lose the game.