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Blackjack shoe with cheating camera for sides marked barcode playing cards in Baccarat

You may know the scanning camera with barcode marked playing deck for the Texas Holdem game, but do you know the blackjack shoe with cheating camera for sides marked barcode playing cards in Baccarat?


The poker camera is installed inside and on the top of the blackjack shoe. When it is dealing, the monitor will show you the barcode of these playing cards, and you will know what points of it by the length of the barcode.

You will shocked by how amazing of this sides marked barcode playing cards for cheating baccarat. It is totally different from any others cheating ultimate marked deck. It is one kind of sides marked barcode playing cards that you can figure out what points of the cards by seeing the barcode on the monitor. There are different lengths of the barcode on the edge of the cards. The different lengths of barcode on the top, the middle and on the bottom represent the different points of the casino blackjack cheating playing cards.

The most important advantage of this blackjack shoe is that it can exchange the next playing cards to deal. For example, the first playing cards is diamond 7, the second card is spade A and the third is heart J, and you can deal the spade A first, and next is diamond 7.


If you are interested in this blackjack shoe with cheating camera for sides marked barcode playing cards in Baccarat, and want to know more details about it, you are welcome to contact us. We will show you the pictures and the videos about it.